ほっこり家 Hokkori-ya

hokkori (2)


用  途:サービス付き高齢者向け住宅 / 新築
敷  地:岩手県陸前高田市
工  期:2018年5月~2019年2月
構造規模:木造 / 地上1階
共同設計:大月敏雄 / 東京大学
外構設計:稲田多喜夫 / 稲田ランドスケープデザイン事務所
施  工:長谷川建設
写  真:高橋菜生

【Award】2020年都市住宅学会賞 業績賞
【Award】2019四国化成空間デザインコンテスト グランプリ
【Award】SDレビュー2015 入選
【Publication】ケア空間の設計手法 / 2023
【Publication】建築ジャーナル3月号 / 2020
【Publication】ファインスチール冬号 / 2020
【Publication】新建築8月号 / 2019
【Web Media】Archello
【Web Media】ArchDaily
【Web Media】

[[ENGLISH]]This is a plan for housing for the elderly with services, which is run by the social welfare corporation “Kojukai” in Rikuzentakata City, which mainly targets elderly people affected by the tsunami. Immediately after the disaster, there was a demand for utilization of the approximately 2 ha of hillside land acquired by the corporation. And as the first step to form a new welfare base here, rental housing for the elderly with care, which is lacking in the disaster area, was planned. The theme is “creation of various places”, and for that purpose, we have introduced architectural planning and landscape planning methods such as “Southern side corridor” and “Seed bank”, and the technical theme is “Minimization of land development”.

Type:The elderly care house / Newly
Location:Rikuzentakata-shi, Iwate, Japan
Design period:09/2014~04/2018
Construction period:05/2018~02/2019
Structure / Number of Floors:W / 1F
Building area:1,137.65sqm
Total floor area:982.90sqm
Co-designer:Toshio Otsuki / The University of Tokyo
landscape designer:Takio Inada / Inada Landscape Design Office
Structural engineer:Sato Sekkei
Facility engineer:Sato Sekkei
Builder:Hasegawa Corporation
Photographer:Nao Takahashi

【Award】2020 Urban Housing Society Award ”Achievement Award”
【Award】2019 SHIKOKU KASEI DESIGN CONTEST ”1st prize”
【Award】SD Review 2015 ”selected work”
【Exhibition】SD review 2015
【Publication】Design Methodology for Care Spaces / 2023
【Publication】KENCHIKU Journal 03 / 2020
【Publication】Fine Steel Winter / 2020
【Publication】SHINKENCHIKU 08 / 2019
【Publication】SD Review 2015
【Web Media】Archello
【Web Media】ArchDaily
【Web Media】


[[ENGLISH]]We are planning housing for elderly people with care services on the upland of Rikuzentakata with the university of Tokyo.


2019_ほっこり家 2019_Hokkori-ya