Happy hu(a)t in Miyakonojo
用 途:長屋+集会所 / 新築
敷 地:宮崎県都城市
工 期:2023年4月~2024年1月
構造規模:木造 / 地上1階
共同設計:大月敏雄 / 東京大学
外構設計:稲田多喜夫 / 稲田ランドスケープデザイン事務所
構造設計:田中哲也 / 田中哲也建築構造計画
施 工:渡部工務店
写 真:高橋菜生
【Publication】ファインスチール秋号 / 2024
【Publication】ファインスチール秋号 / 2023
【Publication】ファインスチール秋号 / 2022
【Web Media】新しい建築の楽しさ2020s Vol.19
A non-profit organization is developing a “regional outreach center for lifelong living” that will enable outreach activities open to the community and personalized support in Miyakonojo City, Miyazaki Prefecture. This is a plan for a residence + community exchange center to solve the problems of “hidden difficulties in life” unique to regional cities through “organizing the lives and assets of single elderly women and obtaining a secure residence”. A large garden, which can be expanded in the future, is located on the south side of the site, and an outside corridor with benches and flowerbeds is built between the garden and the apartments to accommodate various activities such as resting, socializing, and viewing. And the louvered wall columns, which bear the axial force, prevent the view from the street and create an open space.
Type:Row house + assembly hall / Newly
Location:Miyakonojo-shi, Miyazaki, Japan
Design period:09/2021~03/2023
Construction period:04/2023~01/2024
Structure / Number of Floors:W / 1F
Building area:352.43sqm
Total floor area:275.08sqm
Co-designer:Toshio Otsuki / The University of Tokyo
landscape designer:Takio Inada / Inada Landscape Design Office
Structural engineer:Tetsuya Tanaka / Tetsuya Tanaka Structural Engineers
Builder:Watabe Construction Company
Photographer:Nao Takahashi
【Publication】Fine Steel Autumn / 2024
【Publication】Fine Steel Autumn / 2023
【Publication】Fine Steel Autumn / 2022
【Web Media】The Joy of New Architecture 2020s Vol. 19