U-35 Architects exhibition 2017 U-35 Architects exhibition 2017

U-35 (1)


作  品:価値観の多様性とカタチ
写  真:DOG
主  催:AAF

【Award】U-35 Architects exhibition 2017 入選・展示
【Publication】U-35 Architects exhibition 2017

[[ENGLISH]]Under the theme of “Diversity of a sense of values and figures”, 2 planned works (pharmacy in Sumita Town, Fire Department in Sumita Town) and 1 completed work (administrative house) were exhibited at Umekita Ship Hall. This is not an exhibition that shows the entire architecture, but by using a frame model and section model, we expedite visitors to take architectural imagination.

Work:Diversity of a sense of values and figures
Location:Umekita ship-hall
Exhibition period:20/10/2017~30/10/2017

【Award】U-35 Architects exhibition 2017 ”fine work”
【Publication】U-35 Architects exhibition 2017

2017_U-35 Architects exhibition 2017_U-35 Architects exhibition